Live streaming: 2023 Donna di Scienza Awards Ceremony
Tuesday 14 November 2023, from 4pm. The 2023 Donna di Scienza awards ceremony in live streaming. Followed by the conference “Women in Science. The long
XV edition
The theme “Science & Technology” will be developed in the XV edition of the Cagliari FestivalScienza in the presence of important guests from the national and international scientific panorama who, through conferences, debates, readings, workshops, performances, museum, naturalistic and scientific-technological itineraries, will allow us to reflect on the relationship between science and technology.
Intimately connected and interdependent, scientific and technological developments have always influenced our way of living and approaching the world: just think of the impact Galileo’s studies had, not only on a purely scientific level, but even on our way of think.
The role of technological tools has always been very important in science and in solving problems related to the environment, medicine, genetics, communications, arms control and the safety of the entire planet.
The health emergencies we have witnessed in recent years have shown how the combination of science and technology has been vital to contain pandemics, reduce infections and isolate possible outbreaks of diffusion. All this was possible thanks to the community commitment of the scientific world which, with great foresight, shared worldwide the information and results in their possession. This would have been unthinkable a few decades ago, while today information technologies have opened the door to mass knowledge. Today, researchers through their studies and the adoption of innovative multidisciplinary strategies have reached unexplored and unthinkable goals that nevertheless require a consistent commitment and economic support from the whole society. In this regard, we could quote Ulrike Felt, a scientist from across the Alps, who claims: “Every new knowledge and technology contains an idea of society and the direction in which it should develop”.
It is therefore necessary to understand the role of science and technology in accompanying the development of the planet and to provide critical tools of knowledge through the dissemination of research results. During the Festival we will do so using different communication languages, chosen for their ability to enrich and motivate young people and involve non-experts.
The FestivalScienza, now permanently spread to four other Sardinian venues, in addition to Cagliari, attracts thousands of people every year from every corner of Sardinia, thus decreeing its vitality and rewarding, with its success, the contribution of volunteers, associations, research institutions, university departments, schools which, in increasing numbers, collaborate in its organization.
Buon Festival a tutti!
Maria Becchere
President of the ScienzaSocietàScienza Association
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Tuesday 14 November 2023, from 4pm. The 2023 Donna di Scienza awards ceremony in live streaming. Followed by the conference “Women in Science. The long
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