IV edition



Informazioni: festivalsiniscola@tiscali.it

Phone. 0784 878 550 from 11.00 to 14.00

Friday November 18, 2022

Istituto Comprensivo 1 Antonio Gramsci

Microworlds. From the infinitely large to the infinitely small

Meeting with the author Emanuele Biggi, naturalist, photographer and co-host of the television program Geo (Ed. Il Saggiatore). Curated by the expert Antonio Serra, by the teacher Arianna Tola and by the students of the first classes of the Secondary School of the I.C. 1 “A. Gramsci”, Siniscola

Target: First Level Secondary School

9:00 How really free are we in a connected world?

Meeting with Luigi Ballerini, author of the text Myra knows everything, Il Castoro. By the teacher Stefania Cara and the literature teachers of the Secondary School of the I.C. 1 “A. Gramsci” of Siniscola. We are in an unidentified future, but not so distant, where every action is controlled by a system integrated into the life of every citizen.

Target: lower secondary school

From Friday 18 November 2022

The recorded events are available from 18 November and can be viewed on the website of the Istituto Comprensivo Antonio Gramsci of Siniscola www.ic1siniscola.edu.it

Discovering science

From the books: In my garden the world (Irene Penazzi); The world upside down (Mario Ramos); Etta and the Sea (Becky Davies). By the teachers and students of the I.C. 1 “A. Gramsci”, Siniscola. Graphic-pictorial representations, coding and dramatization activities.

Target: primary school

I am leaf

From the text I am a leaf by Angelo Mozzillo and photo-illustrated by Marianna Balducci, (Bacchilega Junior, 2020). By the teachers F. Boi, P. Mastinu, R. Palumbo, M. G. Cocco, A. Deriu, M. L. Bidoni and the students of the first classes of the Primary School I.C. 1 “A. Gramsci”, Siniscola.
"Complicating is easy, simplifying is difficult" and observing the world, nature in particular, with ever new eyes is essential. I am leaf is an amazing journey through life and seasons.

Target: kindergarten and first years of primary school

The time map

From the book The time map. Science and technology by Peter Goes (Edizioni F. C. Panini) By the teachers M. Cossu, C. Carbone and the students of the second classes of the Primary School I.C. 1 “A. Gramsci”, Siniscola. Workshop to discover the functioning of objects used in the past and forgotten, which we use in the present and which help us in everyday life.

Target: primary school

We paleontologists too: a journey to discover fossils

From the book A million oysters on top of the mountain by Alex Nogues (Ed. Camelozampa) by the teachers S. Decandia, A. Granara and the students of the third classes of the Primary School I.C. 1 “A. Gramsci”, Siniscola.
Manipulative play workshop: formulate hypotheses, create plant and animal fossils, reprocessing data.

Target: primary school

Ada, Alan and the IoT mysteries

From the book Ada, Alan and IoT mistery. Between cobots, digital networks, hackers and algorithms by Sabrina De Santis, Nicola Intini and Corrado La Forgia (Ed. Guerini) Original choral story that leads readers to discover new technologies by offering a lively and engaging interpretation of the revolution we are experiencing, connected to the advent of digital technologies destined to change not only production processes but also our way of life.

Target: lower secondary school

Matematica-mente (Mathematics-mind)

By the teacher Giovannamaria Maloccu and the students of the second classes of the Secondary School of the I.C. 1 “A. Gramsci”, Siniscola.
Workshop on Mathematics around us, in little things we can build, from knots with strips of paper to the construction of kites.

Target: primary school and lower secondary school

Artificial intelligence and robotics

By the expert Antonio Serra, the teacher Renato Muglia and by the students of the second and third classes of the Secondary School of the I.C. 1 “A. Gramsci”, Siniscola.
Workshop on the relationship between man and machine between the past, present and future.

Target: lower secondary school

Photography lab

By the expert Antonio Serra, the teacher Arianna Tola and the students of the Secondary School of the I.C. 1 “A. Gramsci”, Siniscola.
Photography workshop, making photographs, creating contact prints. Exhibition of the works created by the students in the photography workshops.

Target: lower secondary school

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Ihithe, 1940 – Nairobi, 2011 Kenyan environmentalist and activist. In 2004 she was the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. She was

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Torino, 1919 – Milano, 1998 Pediatrician, psychoanalyst, partisan and former deportee from the Nazi concentration camps. Despite being from a Jewish family, he managed to

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Shangai, 1912 – New York, 1997 Chinese physicist, she carried out his research activity mainly in the United States. She participated in the Manhattan project

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Ihithe, 1940 – Nairobi, 2011 Kenyan environmentalist and activist. In 2004 she was the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. She was a Kenyan parliamentarian and Assistant Minister for Environment and Natural Resources in the government of President Mwai Kibaki, between January 2003 and November 2005. Wangari Muta Maathai was presented by students Elena Cabras and Bianca Nioteni from the Pacinotti Scientific High School, Cagliari.

La scienziata del giorno