Live streaming: 2023 Donna di Scienza Awards Ceremony
Tuesday 14 November 2023, from 4pm. The 2023 Donna di Scienza awards ceremony in live streaming. Followed by the conference “Women in Science. The long
XV edition
Biblioteca Sebastiano Satta
Piazza Giorgio Asproni 8
Curated by Tiziana Contu, head of the children's section of the S. Satta Library and Elena Vacca, author and animator
Students will be readers, authors and real protagonists of a day of playful research. We will read about the relationship between Science and Technology, Science and Literature. Our pen will compose new pages following the examples offered by many authors.
Target: primary school students
Teatro Eliseo
Via Roma 73
Giovanni Giobbe, GOSICH Research Associate, UCL - (Centres for Research into Rare Diseases in Children), London
Modern research leads to new solutions to repair damaged human organs. In this realm, tissue engineering uses combinations of cells, materials and new techniques to fulfill this purpose. In the laboratory we use mini-organs composed of stem cells, called organoids, to replicate what happens in the human body in the event of damage or disease. An organoid is therefore a simplified version of a miniature organ, on which we can investigate the effect of innovative drugs and therapies. Our studies focus on the application of these new techniques and technologies to develop new therapies for humans.
Target: everyone
Anna Bassu, energy and nuclear engineer, Enel Produzione Spa
How many times have we heard this question? There are those who have always had clear ideas, those who have many ideas but still confused and those who don't have an idea, really and big you can't even imagine. But is there a right answer? As a former scientific high school student, I will try to tell you how I tried to answer, in a journey made up of passions, uncertainties, doubts, departures, returns and always new discoveries.
Target: upper secondary school
Teatro Eliseo
Via Roma 73
By Romana Salaris, geologist and Rosalba Murgia, biologist
Dinosaurs evolved over 165 million years and suddenly became extinct 65 million years ago. But are they really extinct? No descendant roams undisturbed among us? Are they still as gigantic as those of the past or have they become smaller? A laboratory full of dinosaur fossils that tells the extraordinary story of these iconic animals.
Target: everyone
Renato Brotzu naturalist, mycologist, photographer and writer
A journey among the most mysterious and unpredictable organisms on the planet that live in relationship with plants. An amazing cooperation from which they derive mutual benefit and which influences and determines life on earth.
Target: everyone
From the book Sardinia. 20 photographers of rituals and celebrations in Sardinia by Renato Brotzu, publisher Carlo Delfino, 2021.
Target: everyone
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Tuesday 14 November 2023, from 4pm. The 2023 Donna di Scienza awards ceremony in live streaming. Followed by the conference “Women in Science. The long
Ihithe, 1940 – Nairobi, 2011 Kenyan environmentalist and activist. In 2004 she was the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. She was
A training course for journalists dedicated to scientific fake news as an appendix of the Cagliari FestivalScienza and on the occasion of the awarding of
Torino, 1919 – Milano, 1998 Pediatrician, psychoanalyst, partisan and former deportee from the Nazi concentration camps. Despite being from a Jewish family, he managed to
Live streaming from the EXMA Conference Room, 12 November 2023 starting at 10 am The abandoned mines of Sos Enattos, in central Sardinia, are the
Shangai, 1912 – New York, 1997 Chinese physicist, she carried out his research activity mainly in the United States. She participated in the Manhattan project