
Inaugural Conference Cagliari FestivalScienza XV edition

2022, Alberto Masoni, Alessandro Cardini, Anna Grassellino, Conferenza inaugurale, FestivalScienza, Paolo Magliocco, XV edizione

The recording of the Inaugural Conference of the XV Edition of the Cagliari FestivalScienza is online on our Youtube channel.

Anna Grassellino, director of the Supercondicting Quantum Materials and Systems Center, Fermilab, Chicago – “From accelerators to quantum devices, at the frontier of science and technology”;
(in video link)
Alessandro Cardini, INFN Research Director – “INFN. Fundamental research and advanced technology to design the future”.

The two scientists illustrate how knowledge changes between science and technology and what scientific horizons open up with the new quantum devices.

They are coordinated by Alberto Masoni, University of Cagliari, INFN research manager and Paolo Magliocco, scientific journalist.

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