Live streaming: 2023 Donna di Scienza Awards Ceremony
Tuesday 14 November 2023, from 4pm. The 2023 Donna di Scienza awards ceremony in live streaming. Followed by the conference “Women in Science. The long
XVI edition
ScienzaSocietàScienza is proud to present the XVI edition of the Cagliari FestivalScienza, at the end of a year which saw the association promoting a rich and varied program of scientific cultural events. The theme of the 2023 edition of the Cagliari FestivalScienza, Science in movement, aims to bring the concept of dynamism as a driver of knowledge development to the foreground. The soul of scientific research, both in the human sciences and in the so-called hard sciences, resides precisely in an incessant and intense dynamic of development of ideas.
It is precisely in this dynamic that the various sectors of knowledge, often separated in our common perception, find an organic synthesis. Moving into a more strictly scientific field, the importance that has been given in recent years to the study of the evolution of biological, chemical and physical systems must certainly be underlined. In this context, an important example is represented by the awarding of the Nobel Prize to Prof. Giorgio Parisi. Among the motivations, a clear reference to the “discovery of the interaction between disorder and fluctuations in physical systems, from atomic to planetary scales”. Therefore movement, dynamics, becomes an element of connection between atomic and planetary scales, passing through the beauty of “the interaction between disorder and fluctuation” that we encounter in our daily lives, often unconsciously, admiring for example the flight of a flock of birds.
The Cagliari FestivalScienza, both in its main edition in the capital and in its very important territorial editions (Nuoro, Oristano, Siniscola, Sarcidano-Trexenta, Iglesias), this year has the ambition to express the theme of the movement, highlighting how this represents an element of connection between the various sectors of knowledge, as happens between the various systems that populate our world. As per tradition, the scientific program, in addition to the involvement of universities, research bodies and local authorities, was built around the fundamental contribution of schools, which in their dual role as users and organizers of many of the events proposed, represent a distinctive element of the Festival.
My personal wish to all those who will participate in the 2023 edition of the Cagliari FestivalScienza, be they speakers, animators, visitors or organizers, is that the proposed activities contribute to the movement of ideas by allowing “to see horizons, where others draw boundaries“.
Prof. Davide Peddis
President of the ScienzaSocietàScienza Association
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Tuesday 14 November 2023, from 4pm. The 2023 Donna di Scienza awards ceremony in live streaming. Followed by the conference “Women in Science. The long
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