Italian Science on Stage Festival in Rovereto.
The national event Italian Science on Stage Festival will take place in Rovereto on 26, 27 and 28 September 2025.
XVII edition
The call for the presentation of activity proposals for the Cagliari FestivalScienza 2024 is online. The theme, the types of proposals admitted, the forms for sending proposals can be found on the dedicated website. Proposals can be sent by March 12, 2024.
If you are passionate about science, art and culture, don’t miss the opportunity to participate: the Cagliari FestivalScienza needs you!
In all fields, the history of women in culture and civil life is a history of marginalization and even today, in Italy and around the world, gender equality, strongly conditioned by stereotypes, struggles to make headway. Since primary school, girls and boys are told that there are things for boys and things for girls and, among things for boys, there is science and scientists. In this journey we will talk about women who, despite achieving top-level results in the scientific field, are ignored and have been ignored by the cultural history of humanity.
The phenomenon of failure to recognize the achievements of women in science, of belittling their successes and, at the same time, assigning them to male colleagues, comes under the expression “Matilda effect”, coined by the science historian Margaret W. Rossiter in 1993 who, studying biographies and historical facts, realized that there were dozens and dozens of stories of female scientists who, starting from antiquity, had been systematically excluded from the history of science.And it is this “invisibility” that has given rise to the still deeply rooted idea that science is something for men.
To give visibility to some of these scientists we decided to dedicate each day of the festival to one of them.
putting the general public into contact with the world of science, re-establishing the connection between humanistic and scientific culture, raising a deeper awareness of the transformations and changes science brings about and on how deeply it influences our daily lives.
our new website dedicated to science. All the video contributions produced during the 2020 and 2021 editions in a single collection.
an acknowledgment to female figures who have contributed to giving Sardinia prestige in the scientific field.
competition for the study of a creative concept/visual for the corporate communication of the Cagliari FestivalScienza
in collaboration with Science Is Cool, the annual appointment at the Salone del Libro of Turin with publications and activities
All the updates on the board, competitions, prizes and activities related to the FestivalScienza.
The national event Italian Science on Stage Festival will take place in Rovereto on 26, 27 and 28 September 2025.
The call for applications for the 2024 DONNA DI SCIENZA Award, VI Edition is online.
The call for the 2024 edition of the Art&Science competition is online. The submissions must be received by 9 June 2024.
The XVII edition of the Cagliari FestivalScienza is coming! If you are passionate about science, art and culture, don’t miss
We bid farewell with regret and affectionate friendship to our dear Ettorina Montisci, one of the founding members of ScienzaSocietàScienza and already a member, for several mandates, of the board of directors of our association.
In this festive period, we want to thank you for following us, supporting us with interest and participating in the Cagliari FestivalScienza. We wish you to spend peaceful and joyful days, waiting to meet again in the new year with many new things and surprises. Happy Holidays from all the staff!
The Association ScienzaSocietàScienza has been created to put together human and financial resources with the objective of organizing a wide range of events focused on science and its relationship with society.
Creation of an International Centre for Science in Sardinia.
Re-establishing the connection between humanistic and scientific culture.
raising a deeper awareness of the transformations and changes science brings about and on how deeply it influences our daily lives.