Montbrison, 1758 – Parigi, 1836

French chemist, she actively collaborated in the experiments of her husband, the chemist Antoine Lavoisier and, with her notes and drawings of the experimental apparatus used, she contributed to making her contemporaries understand her methods and results. Subsequently, she continued to disseminate his works and recover his notes and laboratory instruments.

Maria Anne Pierrette Paulze Lavoisier was presented by student Giulia Pruner from the Liceo Scientifico Michelangelo, Cagliari.


Ihithe, 1940 – Nairobi, 2011

Kenyan environmentalist and activist. In 2004 she was the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. She was a Kenyan parliamentarian and Assistant Minister for Environment and Natural Resources in the government of President Mwai Kibaki, between January 2003 and November 2005.

Wangari Muta Maathai was presented by students Elena Cabras and Bianca Nioteni from the Pacinotti Scientific High School, Cagliari.

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