
In memory of Ettorina Montisci

Cagliari FestivalScienza, ScienzaSocietàScienza

We bid farewell with regret and affectionate friendship to our dear Ettorina Montisci, one of the founding members of ScienzaSocietàScienza and already a member, for several mandates, of the board of directors of our association. Always active and collaborative, she has, in particular, enabled close collaboration with the Pacinotti Scientific High School, the school where she taught until she retired. Member and deputy secretary of the AIF Section of Cagliari, she carried out intense laboratory and liaison activity with all the members, which allowed her, at the birth of ScienzaSocietàScienza, to make an important contribution in choosing the topics for the Physics laboratories, in solicit the participation of Pacinotti students, in collaborating on their preparation, in stimulating other teaching colleagues to continue in this activity.

She was the provincial manager of the Mathematics Olympics and, on behalf of the A.I.F. national, regional manager of the Physics Olympics for which she also worked as a trainer of the participating students.

The president, the honorary president, all the directors of ScienzaSocietàScienza and the heartbroken members who have worked with Ettorina over the years participate with pain in the mourning of her family.

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Update – Herbarium Museum, Botanical for a day

We regret to inform you that the “Botanico per un giorno” event, scheduled for 9 and 10 November 2023, has been postponed to a later date due to force majeure. Those who have booked the activity will be contacted as soon as the new dates are established to confirm their availability to participate in the workshop.

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Ihithe, 1940 – Nairobi, 2011

Kenyan environmentalist and activist. In 2004 she was the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. She was a Kenyan parliamentarian and Assistant Minister for Environment and Natural Resources in the government of President Mwai Kibaki, between January 2003 and November 2005.

Wangari Muta Maathai was presented by students Elena Cabras and Bianca Nioteni from the Pacinotti Scientific High School, Cagliari.

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