XV edition

Cagliari FestivalScienza 2023


CONTEST "Art & Science"

Purpose of the competition

The ScienzaSocietàScienza association announces a competition relating to the graphic study of a creative concept/visual for the image of the institutional communication of the Cagliari FestivalScienza, XVI edition 2023.

Terms and conditions of participation

The call is reserved for students of Artists’ High Schools and Graphic Design Higher Institutes in Sardinia. The title of the 16th edition of the festival “Science in Movement” implies the message that the ScienzaSocietàScienza association wants to convey: the fact that Science is in continuous movement and opposes the state of mental inertia in which we often find ourselves unconsciously or aware. Science, like Art, is revolution, it is a movement of ideas in search of something that satisfies curiosity, the desire to express a need, to discover a new molecule or a new expressive technique. The wheel, the motion of the planets, the power of steam, the cinema cannot ignore the movement that generated them which is first of all a new vision of the world. Staticness is dangerous and is an indication of laziness or fear of the unknown. Science teaches that where there is movement there is evolution and requires us not to stop because what may seem like an achievement today is just a starting point for new research. Cultural movements, whether of a scientific or artistic nature, have the task of awakening consciences, making them face the problems of the fact that there can be a variability of ideas, ways of thinking or expressing themselves which must be channeled from a perspective of knowledge to suggest valid solutions to the new problems that we are forced to face every day, from environmental to social, health and gender issues. For this last point, the female presence in the scientific and artistic fields and in all fields of knowledge is a “moving” process that will still require time for an epochal change in terms of freedom of expression and democracy.

The winner

Among the many sketches received, the ScienzaSocietàScienza Association has selected as the winner of the 2023 edition of the Competition the work by Daniel Fulghesu, a 5S student at the “Domenico Alberto Azuni” Institute of Higher Education in Cagliari, sent by the teacher Stefania Grilli.

Concept and process

The final work chosen represents a neuron that curves space-time, it is the result of a creative process that symbolically united human intelligence with scientific progress. The choice of a neuron as a central element derives from its connection with intelligence and complex thought evoking the concept of mind and knowledge.

In the image, curvature represents scientific progress, underlining how human intelligence has led to extraordinary discoveries and understanding of our universe, such as that obtained from Einstein’s theory of relativity which demonstrates how mass can deform space-time, concept that revolutionized modern physics.

In summary, the neuron that curves space-time visually summarizes the interconnection between human intelligence and scientific progress. It refers to the power and strength of the human mind capable of shaping and changing the world around us through scientific research and discovery.
The use of colors has a symbolic meaning. The shades of blue recall knowledge and the cerebral aspect, while the dark tones of the background recall the cosmos and deep space.

Institutional communication of the Cagliari FestivalScienza XVI edition

Starting from the winning sketch, our graphic designer developed the visual image of the new edition of the Festival.

Awards and recognitions

The prizes consist of the awarding of books and gadgets to the ten selected for each institute. The prizes are awarded only and exclusively to the winning students present. The ScienzaSocietàScienza Association, organizer of the festival, will reserve the right to identify the most suitable one to be used for the intended purpose among all the final sketches received. The chosen sketch, which will stand out for the originality of the proposed idea and its relevance to the theme, can be reworked by a communication professional to make the image adaptable and effective in the different and necessary communication media. The winner will have the honor of seeing her study published on the cover of the 2023 edition brochure with the clear indication of the name of the author and the reference school. The association has the right not to make any choices if it does not deem the works presented suitable and to exclude from the selection works that are reworks of images owned by other authors.

La brochure

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Ihithe, 1940 – Nairobi, 2011 Kenyan environmentalist and activist. In 2004 she was the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. She was a Kenyan parliamentarian and Assistant Minister for Environment and Natural Resources in the government of President Mwai Kibaki, between January 2003 and November 2005. Wangari Muta Maathai was presented by students Elena Cabras and Bianca Nioteni from the Pacinotti Scientific High School, Cagliari.

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