Live streaming from the EXMA Conference Room, 12 November 2023 starting at 10 am
The abandoned mines of Sos Enattos, in central Sardinia, are the ideal place to host the large underground gravitational wave detector, which will allow us to have access to the most remote messages of the universe.
The topic is developed by Alessandro Cardini, Director of INFN Cagliari, Maria Teresa Melis, geologist, University of Cagliari, Pia Astone, physicist, INFN Rome, Domenico D’Urso, representing the University of Sassari, Giorgio Querzoli, Manager Legambiente Sardinia Scientific Committee.
Moderated by Matteo Serra, scientific journalist, INFN Cagliari

AIF – The school of History of Physics 2024
HEAT, MOTION, ENTROPY: the many faces and history of thermodynamics Montegrotto Terme PD (Hotel Marconi) 26 February – 29 February, School in presence March 1,