Live streaming from the Aula Magna of the Rectorate of the University of Cagliari, via Università 40, starting from 4pm on 9 November 2023.
Introduction by the President of the ScienzaSocietàScienza Association prof. Davide Peddis, greetings from the representatives of the institutions and conferences by prof. Luca Bindi, University of Florence, and Professor Maria Cristina Messa, University of Milan-Bicocca and former Minister of University and Research.

The Cagliari FestivalScienza collaborates with the FAI for the “Salt Harvesting Festival”
The ScienzaSocietàScienza Association will also be present this year with the “Salt and Science” workshop-exhibition at the Salt Harvesting Festival organized by the FAI from 09 to 17 September 2023 – Saline Conti Vecchi