The president, the past president, the councilors of ScienzaSocietàScienza communicate to all members and sympathizers the painful passing of councilor ANNA MASSAIU. Deeply affected and heartbroken by his loss, they remember his enthusiasm and professionalism in participating in various editions of the Science Festivals of Cagliari. Where she involved the colleagues of the S. Caterina comprehensive institute – A. Riva complex in Cagliari, and many school groups, sometimes hers, who grappled with numbers, shapes, colors, figures so that each student could feel like a protagonist. This way of proceeding it was the result of her creative, participatory and joyful teaching.
She ran in the last election and was elected to the council. In this capacity she have demonstrated collaborative skills even in the most arid bureaucratic situations, showing patience and docile adaptation to organizational needs, such as drafting the minutes of board meetings and prompt corrections, requested by some directors.
She has always worked with gentleness, but serious commitment. This is demonstrated by the latest projects prepared for the Researchers’ Night next September. But she won’t be there! In that event the results of her professional commitment will be shown and the pain of her loss will be relived.
The Council expresses to its family members its affectionate sympathy for their pain and its regret for the loss of Anna.