Live streaming: 2023 Donna di Scienza Awards Ceremony
Tuesday 14 November 2023, from 4pm. The 2023 Donna di Scienza awards ceremony in live streaming. Followed by the conference “Women in Science. The long
X edition
The Cagliari FestivalScienza celebrates its tenth edition and looks to the future: the chosen theme is precisely FUTURE SCIENCE and will be developed through conferences, book presentations, shows, readings and workshops, museum, botanical, naturalistic and scientific-technological itineraries. There will be important guests in the international scientific panorama who will allow us to configure the scenarios that science offers us to respond to the needs of society. The wonders of the human brain, genetic engineering and new materials, the surprises of the cosmos are the topics that will be developed during the festival according to four main macro-sections: Reading is a source of culture, with activities dedicated to promoting reading, which among the many features the winners of the Galileo 2017 literary prize; Discovering the world with sections dedicated to workshops, exhibitions, exhibits and museums; Intertwining science and art dedicated to shows and competitions and finally A look to the future with two sections dedicated to internships and the world of communication.
Furthermore, since like Rita Levi Montalcini, we are convinced that “the future of humanity depends” also “on the fact that women, particularly in the southern hemisphere, are given the opportunity to specialize their skills in the scientific, social and political fields“, in the year of the 150th anniversary of Marie Curie’s birth, the festival dedicates a large number of events and activities to her and to women scientists. The opening night features two extraordinary women: Elena Cattaneo, pharmacologist, biologist and senator of the Republic and Elena Aprile, professor of physics at Columbia University in New York. And, as a special event, the event 100 women against stereotypes for science, organized in collaboration with Gi.U.Li.A. (United Free Autonomous Journalists) and the Order of Journalists of Sardinia.
The Science Festival, which attracts thousands of students every year from every corner of Sardinia, will be present in the region not only in Cagliari but also in Oliena, Oristano and, for the first time, in Iglesias. With side events that will also take place in Nuoro and Isili. In short, we grow more and more every year!
The great success of the initiative was once again confirmed this year, for the second consecutive two-year period, by the prestigious Effe Label 2017 which judged the Sardinian Science Festival as a “Festival of exceptional artistic and cultural value with the highest international profile“.
The Cagliari FestivalScienza is organized by the ScienzaSocietàScienza Association and has the patronage of numerous organizations and institutions including that of the Italian Commission for UNESCO, the Sardinia Region, the Municipality of Cagliari and Science on Stage Italia. The Festival is included in the EFFE platform of European festivals for 2017, it has also been included among the thousand events reported by the MIBAC for EXPO.
This year’s edition, 2017, bears the number 10, but in reality the activity of disseminating scientific culture began in 2000 and continues successfully thanks to the faithful school and university students who, in the role of chaperones and entertainers (over 400) were the undisputed protagonists of all editions of the Festival. The growing number of visitors – 17,000 for the 2016 edition – confirms that we have done a good job: it is a difficult challenge to carry on … but we share a great passion for science.
Read the 2017 brochure
Guests and speakers of the 2017 edition
Opportunities for young people
Communication and media
Contest 2017
2017 Edition
2017 Edition
2017 Edition
Tuesday 14 November 2023, from 4pm. The 2023 Donna di Scienza awards ceremony in live streaming. Followed by the conference “Women in Science. The long
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