The Association
The Association represents the natural evolution of the Committee ScienzasocietàScienza, which has been actively operating in Cagliari up to very recent times. In continuity with the Committee’s purposes, the Association aims at putting the general public into contact with the world of science; at re-establishing the connection between humanistic and scientific culture; at raising a deeper awareness of the transformations and changes science brings about and on how deeply it influences our daily lives.
A long-term purpose of the Association is the creation of an International Centre for Science in Sardinia.
To become a member, download and fill out the membership application.
Graduated in Mathematics and qualified to teach in Mathematics and Physics, she obtained a PhD in Mathematics with the thesis “Diffusion and dissemination of science. The case of mathematics ”. She is teacher-researcher in mathematics education – MPI research project – Department of Mathematics. She has participated, with seminar activities, in national and international conferences on teaching of mathematics and scientific disciplines. Mathematics and Physics teacher in secondary school, she taught Mathematics Education at the SSIS of Cagliari and in enabling courses for teachers. She has collaborated in the realization of many scientific exhibitions: she was scientific coordinator of the project “Scienza in festa”, in Oliena, and of the exhibition “Oltre il compasso”, in Cagliari; she has covered the role of tutor in various scientific laboratories in Castel San Pietro Terme, Cagliari, Oliena. She is the author of articles on Mathematics Education on interdisciplinary issues with a view to continuity between primary and secondary schools. She is currently attending the PhD in Science Communication at the University of Cagliari.
Member of the Management Committee of CRSEM.
For many years she carried out research activities as a PhD in General and Clinical Microbiology, a title obtained at the Catholic University of the Sacro Cuore, Institute of Microbiology, Rome, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Bioscience and Technology, obtained at the ‘Institute of BioScience and Technology (IBST), Faculty of Medicine and Biosciences, Cranfield University, UK. She teaches Science and Microbiology in high school and is a TFA tutor at the University of Cagliari. She was tutor of Biology and Microbiology at the University of Cagliari and for the IIS National Plan Teaching Experimental Sciences of the MIUR. She has designed or collaborated in the implementation of many projects for high school students such as the IBEL project (Inquiry-Based E-Learning), in collaboration with the European Molecular Biology Laboratory of Monterotondo, or European projects such as the Valeria Plus Project, Leonardo da Vinci EP. She is the author of many scientific publications and has been a speaker at conferences of both a scientific and an informative and didactic nature.
For several years she was a member of the ScienzasocietàScienza committee for which she carried out planning and organization tasks for the various scientific dissemination activities, mainly for the Cagliari FestivalScienza.
Graduated in Physics at the University of Cagliari and qualified to teach in Mathematics and Physics, he taught for many years at the Pacinotti high school in Cagliari, where he created, in the seventies, one of the best physics laboratories in upper secondary school. Principal since 1983 of the Alberti scientific high school in Cagliari, he has favored its structural and organizational-didactic strengthening, also promoting innovative activities of educational enrichment for the students.
Member of the Association for Physics Teaching (A.I.F.) since 1969, he was co-founder, in 1973, of the A.I.F. of Cagliari, of which he was secretary from 1980 to 2008. In the section he carried out intense scientific and didactic activity organizing refresher courses also in collaboration with various institutions (Provveditorato of Cagliari, Provincial Administration of Cagliari, I.R.R.S.A.E., etc.).
He directs the magazine “Asterischi di Fisica”, a periodical of the AIF section of Cagliari. In 1998 he left the service and deals with activities related to updating the teaching of scientific disciplines and problems of scientific dissemination. As a member of the ScienzaSocietàScienza committee, he has collaborated in the organization of all the initiatives carried out since 2000 and has in particular supervised the interactive Physics laboratories on topics such as: Physics and sounds, Waves, radar microwaves, Floats, waves and sails, Lightning bolts, Electromagnetism what a discovery!, Paths of light, Volta’s pile, The discovery of radioactivity and the radioactivity around us.
Graduated in Chemistry and with a second level Master in “Leadership and Management in education”, she taught Analytical Chemistry in high school for several years and held the position of professor of Chemistry Education in the School of Specialization for Teacher Training of the University of Cagliari. Since 2013 he has been Headmaster of Comprehensive Institute No. 3 in Quartu Sant’Elena.
Member of the Didactic Division of the Italian Chemical Society (DD-SCI), she deals with research and dissemination of chemistry. She was a member of the National Committee of Science on Stage, oversaw the design and creation of original interactive exhibits and scientific shows and participated in city and international events. Among the positions held: science expert in the information and training plan on the OECD-PISA survey and other national and international research, member of the Regional Steering Group (GPR) of the ISS Plan – Teaching Experimental Sciences – at the USR Sardinia. She is the author of teaching materials for the Scientific Education Project managed by INDIRE, as well as author of publications and speaker at conferences of an educational and informative nature.
She has been a member of the ScienzaSocietàScienza Committee since 2004 and is one of the founding members of the new Associazione ScienzaSocietàScienza.
Graduated in Mathematics in 1976, at the University of Cagliari, and qualified to teach Mathematics and Physics since 1983, she was a professor of Mathematics and Physics at the Pacinotti Scientific High School in Cagliari until 2014, directing the Physics Laboratory for eight years and taking care of the Mathematics and Physics Olympiad Projects, as well as the City Science Week Project, in collaboration with the ScienzaSocietàScienza Committee.
She collaborated in the creation of the exhibition “Beyond the Compass” at the Cittadella dei Musei in Cagliari. He participated in the conferences “Gare di Matematica” in Cesenatico from 1993 to 2015 and in the National Physics Congresses from 1998 to 2010. She has held the role of trainer of the guides of the physics laboratories for Cagliari FestivalScienza from 2005 to the present. Since 1995 she has been Provincial Manager of the Mathematics Olympiad, promoted by the Italian Mathematical Union and the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, and is trainer of the provincial participants in the aforementioned competitions. Since 2005 she has also been Regional Manager of the Physics Olympiad, promoted by the National AIF, and trainer of the regional participants in the aforementioned competitions. She is responsible and organizer of the Mathematics team competitions.
Member of the Commission of the National Competition of the Italian Physics Olympiad.
Deputy secretary of the AIF section of Cagliari, she collaborated in the various scientific activities and in particular in the refresher courses for physics teachers.
Graduated in Physical Chemistry in 2003 and PhD in Physical Chemistry since 2007, he is currently a TD researcher at the Institute of Structure of Matter of the National Research Council and Senior Scientist at the Vinca Institute in Belgrade. His research activity develops in the field of physical chemistry of materials and condensed matter physics and concerns, in particular, the relationships between physical properties and structure of magnetic nanomaterials. His research activity is represented by over 50 publications in national and international journals and over 150 communications at international congresses, also by invitation. He has conducted an intense teaching activity in Italy (University of Cagliari, University of Genoa and University of the Marches) and abroad (visiting professor at the University of Le Mans and the University of Uppsala), curating specialist courses for masters and doctoral students.
Since 2002 he has participated in various scientific events of an educational nature, both as organizer and as speaker.
He is also a member of the Educational Section of the Italian Chemical Society, editor of the website www.chimicare.org and responsible for the scientific dissemination project Nanoscience and Magnetic Nanomaterials, in collaboration with the Giuseppe Peano High School of Monterotondo (RM).
Graduated in Natural Sciences at the University of Cagliari and qualified to teach in Natural Sciences, General and Economic Geography, she has been full professor of Natural Sciences since 1973 at the I.T.I.S. ”G. Marconi ”of Cagliari, where she joined the curricular teaching activity as coordinator in the implementation of training projects for young people in Environmental Education. 106 / 5.000 Risultati della traduzione He taught as a contract professor at the SSIS of Cagliari in the Natural Sciences area. She collaborated with the I.R.R.S.A.E. Sardinia, today I.R.R.E, as Course Director in a five-year project (1988-1993) of “Updating and didactic experimentation of the teaching of Natural Sciences”, contributing to the drafting of the documents. She is currently President of the Sardinia Section of A.N.I.S.N. (National Association of Natural Science Teachers) with the task of promoting and implementing refresher-training initiatives and study seminars for teachers throughout their entire training period.
Member of the Regional Steering Group (GPR) of the ISS Plan – Teaching Experimental Sciences – of the MIUR at the USR Sardinia, she performed the function of evaluator of the actions of the ISS presidia of Sardinia and teacher in the online training of tutors. In July 2015, she directed the National Summer School of Natural Sciences in collaboration with the Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences.
Graduated in 1986 in Foreign Languages and Literature – English, at the University of Cagliari, and qualified to teach English language and civilization in middle and high school, she has taught at various high schools in the Provinces of Cagliari and Nuoro. He passed the national tests for teaching abroad in 2001 and 2011 and from 2005 to 2010 he worked as a lecturer in the Italian language at the University of Chicago – USA on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also collaborating with the Consular Scholastic Office and the Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago.
Participated in the implementation of projects for students; she was a member of the group of the European project ValeRIA PLUS – Evaluating the relationship between teaching and learning; she have been a member of the Institute Council of the I.I.S. Grace Deledda. He is currently in service at the I.I.S. DeSanctis-Deledda of Cagliari and deals with activities related to school-work alternation.
He is part of the Ministerial Committee for the dissemination of technological and scientific culture appointed by the current Minister of Education, University and Research and, previously, since 2006, he was part of a similar inter-ministerial working group chaired by prof. Luigi Berlinguer. She have been President of the National Steering Committee for the Science on Stage events, organized by EIROforum, an entity that brings together the main European research centers such as CERN, ESO, ESA, etc., and which have reached their fifth edition this year; from 1999 to 2009 coordinated the national group History of Physics of the AIF (Association for the Teaching of Physics) and since 2001 she have directed a national training school in the history of physics for teachers; received the 1999 Volta medal assigned by the Advisory Committee of the Interdivisional History of Physics Group of the European Physical Society for having favored and promoted activities in the field of the History of Physics; received the 2009 Prize of the Italian Physics Society for Physics Education; she were AIF National President from 1993 to 1999 and in this capacity organized important national and international initiatives; in particular, oversaw the organization of the International Physics Olympiad held in Italy in 1999; have been a member of various ministerial commissions set up for the implementation of the school cycle reform law; she is a mathematics and physics teacher, she taught from 1976 to 1999 at the Pacinotti high school in Cagliari, directing its physics laboratory for thirteen years; have published numerous articles on teaching, on the history of physics and on the dissemination of scientific culture; for nine years she taught Physics Didactics at the School of Specialization for the training of Teachers organized by the University of Cagliari.
Since 2017 she has been President of the ScienzaSocietàScienza Association, after having been President of the ScienzaSocietàScienza Committee since 2000.