
Passione Scienza Day at the Orto Botanico of Cagliari

Orto Botanico, Passione Scienza, ScienzaSocietàScienza

The Passione Scienza Day, now in its second edition, took place on Thursday 20 July, organized by the Scienza Società Scienza Association in collaboration with the Science is Cool Association and the Botanical Garden of Cagliari.

In the splendid setting of the Orto Botanico, conferences, meetings and music dedicated to the relationship between science and society.

Prof. Angelo Vulpiani, professor of Theoretical Physics at La Sapienza University of Rome, was the protagonist of the exciting conference “Mathematical models for the complexity of the world”, with a look at the new frontiers of big data and artificial intelligence: How does the role of the researcher change when faced with the automation of analytical and cognitive processes?

The Passione Scienza Day was an opportunity to involve even the youngest, protagonists of the final event of the project, in a meeting between music and science: the performance entitled ‘Biodiversity and polyphony go hand in hand’, by Coro Giovanile ‘Clara Voce‘ of Quartu Sant’Elena, directed by Maestro Federico Liguori, made up of boys and girls aged 13 and over.

We recommend reading the two excellent articles in Nemesis Magazine dedicated to Passione Scienza Day, by Francesca Mulas and Martina Taris.

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In memory of Ettorina Montisci

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Happy Holidays from the Cagliari FestivalScienza

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Ihithe, 1940 – Nairobi, 2011

Kenyan environmentalist and activist. In 2004 she was the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. She was a Kenyan parliamentarian and Assistant Minister for Environment and Natural Resources in the government of President Mwai Kibaki, between January 2003 and November 2005.

Wangari Muta Maathai was presented by students Elena Cabras and Bianca Nioteni from the Pacinotti Scientific High School, Cagliari.

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