
Italian Science on Stage Festival in Rovereto.

2025, Rovereto, Science on Stage

The national event Italian Science on Stage Festival will take place in Rovereto on 26, 27 and 28 September 2025.

The festival aims to identify innovative educational projects relating to STEM teaching (physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, mathematics or technology, Earth sciences) aimed at all types of schools. A jury will be responsible for selecting 11 best presentations, whose referents will be able to access the European Festival in Klaipėda, Lithuania.

Science on Stage Italia is promoted and organized by: Euro Scienza and is realized with the support of: INFN – National Institute of Nuclear Physics, INAF, AIF, Società Chimica Italiana, La Palestra della Scienza, ML Systems.

To find out how to participate, visit the official website:

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Ihithe, 1940 – Nairobi, 2011

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