A training course for journalists dedicated to scientific fake news as an appendix of the Cagliari FestivalScienza and on the occasion of the awarding of the 2023 “Woman of Science” Award.
“FAKE SCIENCE: HOW TO INTERCEPT FAKE NEWS” is the title of the training course designed as a mini conference to be held Wednesday 15 November in the main hall of the Pacinotti Scientific High School, in via Liguria in Cagliari, from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm, for the category of participating journalists it will be worth five ethical credits. The event was created with the patronage of the Order of Journalists of Sardinia, of Giulia women journalists of Sardinia and of the ScienzaSocietàScienza Association.
A hot topic of current affairs, which involves many scientific sectors, with which journalists often find themselves dealing: talking about it in the great hall of an important city high school means bringing the problem to the heart of education, at the tail end of an event historic course that involves an extraordinary number of students. What to believe? How can we not be seduced by information that is often unverified and sensational? What are the tools for checking science news? In fact, Luisella Seveso will open the proceedings with the report “The ethics of science and safe sources. From article 6 to “100 experts”. The journalist – among the creators and creators of 100esperte.it, the database that
refutes fake news regarding the gender equality of women in science as it is perceived by the media – will intervene on Art. 6 of the code of ethics (paragraphs b, c, d) where the principle is stated that in scientific communication it is essential to avoid sensationalism which could give rise to unfounded fears or hopes; disseminate health and scientific news only if verified with qualified national and international sources as well as with Italian and international research bodies, highlighting any news that turns out to be untrue and with particular attention to the prejudices and stereotypes that circulate around female leadership in science.
Immediately afterwards, as scientists and witnesses of the reality in which we operate, Micaela Morelli, a neuroscientist who has repeatedly taken sides to unmask fake news in the biomedical field, will speak about “Fake news and the brain: a dangerous combination”; therefore Giulia Manca, physicist, also committed to countering the falsehoods widespread in her discipline, will speak on “The false myths of science”. Coordinating the course is Roberta Celot, ANSA-Sardinia manager. Speakers at the opening of the event included the head teacher of the Pacinotti High School Valentina Savona, the president of the Order of Journalists Francesco Birocchi, the coordinator of Giulia journalists Sardinia Susi Ronchi; the president of the ScienzaSocietàScienza Association Award Davide Peddis.
In the second part of the morning, from 11.30 to 13.00, Carla Romagnino, honorary president of the ScienzaSocietà Scienza Association, will speak with the report dedicated to the theme of women scientists in history entitled “They are only half of the human race” and, follow, the testimonies of the three women scientists who won the regional award and the special mentions of the fifth edition of “Donna di Scienza 2023”.
The conclusions are entrusted to Maria Del Zompo, president of the “Donna di Scienza” award.
Journalists will be awarded 5 ethical training credits.