
The 2023 Special Donna di Scienza Prize awarded to journalist Silvia Rosa Brusin

Donna di Scienza, Premio Donna di Scienza, Premio speciale Donna di scienza

The “Woman of Science 2023” Special Award announced by the ScienzaSocietàScienza Association, organizer of the Cagliari FestivalScienza, goes to the scientific journalist Silvia Rosa Brusin. Rosa Brusin, historic presenter of “TG Leonardo”, the RAI 3 scientific information program founded in 1992, will formally receive the award during a ceremony to be held in November on the occasion of the XVI edition of the Cagliari FestivalScienza. The Special Prize had been awarded only once before, in the 2021 edition, to Professor Maria Del Zompo for the tireless and innovative activity carried out for the University, for research, for the diffusion of scientific culture, for gender equality .
Silvia Rosa Brusin has a special relationship with Sardinia and with the Cagliari FestivalScienza which she has told in more than one episode. She was also one of the first supporters of the Donna di Scienza Award and was part of the Award jury from 2019 to 2022.

On the same occasion, the Donna di Scienza Award, now in its fifth edition, will also be awarded. The award is organized in collaboration with the Universities of Cagliari and Sassari, INAF and the Astronomical Observatory of Cagliari, the Cagliari section of INFN, the Cagliari branch of the CNR Institute of Neuroscience, the Department of Equal Opportunities of the Municipality of Cagliari and GIULIA Sardinia.
As part of the Award, the Equal Opportunities Department of the Municipality of Cagliari offers the Young Donna di Scienza Award aimed at Cagliari candidates participating in the Award.
Applications are open until September 20th, 2023 and must be sent to the address

Silvia Rosa Brusin, professional journalist, until 2022 editor-in-chief of TG Leonardo, the first science news program in Europe, which she has followed since its first steps (1992), becoming a point of reference for enthusiasts and colleagues. She received appreciation from the scientific community who found in her a valid collaborator to whom they could entrust the task of acting as an intermediary with the public. For its numerous reports on the space exploits of the last thirty years, with special broadcasts and live connections from Cape Canaveral, the International Astronomical Union has named the asteroid 7396 Brusin after her. She participates as a scientific expert and moderator in television programs and scientific-themed conferences both in Italy and abroad. She received the “Natta and Copernicus” Special Prize for scientific dissemination for her work as a scientific popularizer of pure and applied sciences and innovative technologies.

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